Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When Relatives Attack

In many families there is always a favorite. In my mom side of the family is her brother Ted Dinsmore. Being the youngest and the last of his three brothers and one sister (aka mom). Back in the day we would look forward to seeing Uncle Ted come and visit us (his brothers, sister and their families). But ever since he had kids his visits were short to a day let alone a couple of hours for me and mom. See there always been this unofficial rule in the family that mom and her family (aka me and dad) have to wait for Uncle Ted to see us whenever we visit the family over in Pennsylvania. We can't travel up to where he live in Connecticut, we have to be invited to travel to Connecticut and visit him, which he hasn't done in never. Now he is laying low where he lives and has not seen the family in a year (two for me and mom). And even worse he bought a vacation home in Maine and is spending the entire summer there. Not bothering with plans of seeing his Father and Mother and other members of his family. I got so mad at him for deining access to him and his girls (Grace and Teal) that I wrote him a note. But there is a catch I'm not sending him the note, I plan on posting the note on the blog and letting him found it on his own just by your reaction.

Update: Mom somehow found the note and is mad at me for writing it, so I will not post it for the time being. Since there was lots of cursing and she said that I sounded obnoxious. Which I don't know why mom doesn't understand that she is under her brothers power. For they will not visit her and the family where we are, for she is the only girl in the family. But they don't know the almighty power of the first born Granddaughter and how powerful her Internet skills can be. Throughtout this blog I will profile my family and the cons that goes with them. Not to mention other crazy stuff too (hence the title).

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